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What to consider when getting ready to buy a pregnancy pillow.

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

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What to consider when getting ready to buy a pregnancy pillow. Most common questions to ask yourself when buying a pregnancy pillow.
What to consider when getting ready to buy a pregnancy pillow.

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There are so many types of pregnancy pillows. Each offers something unique. So needless to say it all depends on your needs and preferences, but here are some things to consider.

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How much room are you and/or your partner willing to give up in the bed?

Sizes come as small as a wedge pillow, that are no bigger than a standard pillow, and as large as an U shaped pillow that surrounds you front and back.

There are several things to think about before you decide. For example, what is the size of your bed? You might not have enough room for a large pillow if you are sharing your bed with your loved one.

Does your loved one move a lot at night or need a lot of space to feel comfortable; if this is the case, your partner might not be willing to have a big pillow in the bed.

Unfortunately, as a pregnant woman you have to think of how much room you have in the bed to share.

Hopefully you have a big bed and/or an understanding partner that does not mind having a big comfy pillow in the bed, but if you don't, there are options, like a small wedge pillow to support your belly.

Where are you experiencing discomfort?

Some pillows are big enough that they are able to curve to tuck under your head and between your knees at the same time to provide support and relief to aches and pains.

These big body pillows can surround you making it easy to snuggle, or they can be propped up to provide back support.

Others run parallel to your body and can also support your back, and then there are those body pillows that have a dip to cradle your bump.

There are also smaller wedge pillows that you can prop your belly on, sit on, or use as back support when sitting on a chair.

If you would like to check out the best pillows out there, check out our top lists or our reviews page. We have done all the work and research for you, so that you can select the perfect pillow for your needs.

Do you move a lot at night?

If you move a lot, you might find it more comfortable to have a wedge pillow you can use to prop your belly on and can be adjusted easily.

If you do not move much then the U-shaped pillow is a great option. With the best U-shaped pillows or the best C-Shaped pillows, you won't have to readjust, as it surrounds you, and gives you great support and comfort.

Do you get hot easily?

If you get hot easily, this is another reason to choose a small wedge pillow. It will do the job of supporting your belly without surrounding you and making you hot.

In the other hand if you get cold easily and you need the full body support and comfort, the perfect choice is a top rated U-shaped or top rated C-shaped pillow.

What trimester are you in?

If you are in your first or second trimester you might want to start with a wedge pillow. As mentioned previously, this pillow can be used to prop your belly up while sleeping, you can use it to sit on, use it for support between your knees, or for back support when sitting. A wedge pillow is nice, simple, and small enough to be portable.

Eventually, while approaching your third trimester you might want to invest on a full body pillow.

A full body pillow can provide comfort, support, and relief from aches and pains, they can be positioned under your head, under your belly, to put your legs around it, to support your back, to snuggle up with, and improve the quality of your sleep.

Big body pillows can be twisted around all over you, and be used as you need it. These pillows are very helpful, especially in the third trimester. Some women even use them after giving birth.

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Note: You can find more information about healthy pregnancies at the American Pregnancy Association:



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